The Internet is all well and good but you can spend hours searching for the snippet of information you need. There are of course alternatives: encyclopedias, reference books and academic texts. But theses valuables sources of information usually contain far too much information - what is needed is a hint, a reminder or just the bare facts without illustrations, movies, charts, graphs and sound clips.

This is why I have put together 'Quick Reference'. It began life as a set of notebooks, a collection of facts and figures that I could refer to. I ended up photocopying chunks of it for colleagues so decided to put it together in a single volume. With the help of 'WordPerfect' (a far better word processor than MS Word) and many hours of typing I had the first edition of 'Refbook' ready for publication. But nobody wanted to publish it.

Now I've got my own website I have gone one stage further and put all that effort on-line.

It is reviewed and expanded, future additions will be a section on sport, an index and if anyone can tell me how to do it, a search engine.

I also need to learn a bit about Cascading Sheet Styles to make the nav bar a bit more user friendly - but that will have to wait for a while...

Anyway it is all my own work with help from: Dreamweaver, the Open University, the local library and Warsteiner.

Any suggestions or comments are always welcome.

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